Japanese woodblock print or Ukiyo-e Images of the twelve months of modern Genji outdoors: The Five Festivals Represented by Eastern Genji

Japanese woodblock print or Ukiyo-e Images of the twelve months of modern Genji outdoors: The Five Festivals Represented by Eastern Genji


A print showing a family celebrating the Tanabata festival. This is a love festival on the seventh day of the seventh month according to the lunar calendar, recalling the annual meeting of two lovers – the stars Altair and Vega (in Japanese Hikoboshi 彦星 and Orihime 織姫). The decorative ribbons on the wall are meant to represent the fabric woven by Princess Orihime, the star of Vega. It is a satire on the literary work Village Genji (Inaka Genji 田舎源氏), which is a parody of the famous novel Genji monogatari (Genji monogatari 源氏物語) by Murasaki Shikibu 紫式部. This can be seen from the man wearing a black ornament, like the main character in Village Genji. That this is a scene from this work is also confirmed by the word in the Japanese title of the work, azuma あづま, which has also been used as a synonym for inaka 田舎 meaning east, which was once considered an underdeveloped area.

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A print showing a family celebrating the Tanabata festival. This is a love festival on the seventh day of the seventh month according to the lunar calendar, recalling the annual meeting of two lovers – the stars Altair and Vega (in Japanese Hikoboshi 彦星 and Orihime 織姫). The decorative ribbons on the wall are meant to represent the fabric woven by Princess Orihime, the star of Vega. It is a satire on the literary work Village Genji (Inaka Genji 田舎源氏), which is a parody of the famous novel Genji monogatari (Genji monogatari 源氏物語) by Murasaki Shikibu 紫式部. This can be seen from the man wearing a black ornament, like the main character in Village Genji. That this is a scene from this work is also confirmed by the word in the Japanese title of the work, azuma あづま, which has also been used as a synonym for inaka 田舎 meaning east, which was once considered an underdeveloped area.

In the first part of the triptych, the woman on the left holds a tray with tea accessories. In front of her sits a woman, and in front of her, a stand with fans. In the second and third part of the triptych a woman, a man and a child are depicted watching goldfish in a porcelain bowl. (KH, JR)

Author: 歌川国定 Utagawa Kunisada
Workshop / factory / publisher: 山田屋 Yamada-ya
Material description: paper
Manufacturing technique: coloured woodblock print or Ukiyo-e
Dimensions: height: 35.5 cm, length: 49.5 cm
Signature: 一寿斎国貞絵画 / Ichijusai Kunisada ga, 梅蝶楼 国貞画 / Baichōrō Kunisada ga
Censor: 改 / Aratame
No. of parts: 1 (triptych)
Current owner: Celje Regional Museum
Date of the last acquisition: 1957–1960
Previous owners and periods of ownership: Alma M. Karlin, Thea Schreiber Gammelin, Celje Regional Museum
Object condition, handling and damage: The inscription at upper right, Azuma genji mitate gosekku satsuki (あづまげんじみたて五節句 佐津記), is partially preserved, but the inscription at lower right, Baichōrō Kunisada ga (梅蝶楼 国貞画), is badly damaged.
History of exhibition: Celje Regional Museum, Celje, 16.10.2019–31.5.2020 (exhibition: Azija me je povsem uročila [Asia Utterly Bewitched Me])
Press releases: HRVATIN, Klara, ROBIN, Jernej, TRNOVEC, Barbara. 2019. Japonski lesorezi [Japanese woodblock prints]. V Azija me je povsem uročila: katalog občasne razstave ob 130. obletnici rojstva Alme M. Karlin in 100. obletnici njenega odhoda na pot okrog sveta (Asia Utterly Bewitched Me: catalogue of the special exhibition on the 130th anniversary of Alma M. Karlin and the 100th anniversary of her world tour). Celje: Pokrajinski muzej; Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete: 59–71.

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