Postcard Kōfukuji in Nara

Postcard Kōfukuji in Nara


A black–and–white photograph showing Sarusawanoike Pond 猿沢池 next to Kōfukuji Temple 興福寺 in the old city of Nara. Nara is the oldest capital of Japan (between 710 and 784), seat of the country’s first legal and political organisation, which was based on that of Chinese city of Chang’an 長安 in the Tang Dynasty of that time. The Kōfukuji Temple was founded in 710 by Fujiwara Fuhito.

Manufacturing technique: black-and-white print
Inscription: (奈良名勝)猿澤池 猿澤池は月の名所奈良八景のいちなり柳絲四邉を繞り興福寺の堂塔を望み池中巨口細麟の溌溂たる龜鼇の悠々たる以つて旅情を慰むに足る東畔に衣掛柳 西畔に采女社あり Nara meishō Sarusawaike Sarusawaike wa tsuki no meisho Nara hakkei no ichi nari. Ryūshi shihen wo meguri Kōfukuji no dōtō wo nozomi chichū kyokō sairin no hatsuratsu taru kigō no yūyū taru motte ryojō wo nagusamu ni taru tōhan ni kinukake yanagi seihan ni Unumesha ari. (Landmark in Nara: Sarusawaike is known as one of the eight places in Nara from which you can see the moon beautifully. There are many willows along the pond, the tower and buildings of Kōfukuji Temple can be seen nearby, there are fish and turtles swimming in the pond, by the eastern part of the pond there are kinukake, and to the west is the shrine of Unumesha.)
No. of parts: 1
Current owner: Celje Regional Museum
Date of the last acquisition: 1957–1960
Previous owners and periods of ownership: Alma M. Karlin (from year 1950)| Thea Schreiber Gammelin (from year 1950 to year 1957)| Celje Regional Museum (from year 1957)
Object condition, handling and damage: well preserved
Press releases: Shigemori Bučar, Chikako. “Alma M. Karlin’s Visits to Temples and Shrines in Japan". Poligrafi 93/94, volume 24 (2019).

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