Postcard Kanda Myōjin

Postcard Kanda Myōjin


A postcard of the Kanda Myōjin Shinto shrine. In the centre is a drawing of the Kanda Matsuri festival at the shrine. A crowd of people and a procession of chariots can be seen, as well as a typical Shinto torii gate. Top left is a bird’s-eye-view photo of some of the buildings at this shrine. In the right margin are a few lines of explanation in classical Japanese about the history of the shrine and the festival.

Workshop / factory / publisher: SEIKAIDO TOKYO
Manufacturing technique: coloured print
Inscription: 神田明神 祭神は大己貴命にて天平二年の創建なり祭典は江戸第一にして山車及び藝妓の手古舞等あり神輿の通路は雑鬧名状すべかず Kanda myōjin: Saishin wa Ōnamuchi no mikoto nite Tenpyō ninen no sōken nari. Saiten wa Edo daiichi ni shite dashi oyobi geiko no tekobu nado ari. Mikoshi no tsūro wa zattō meijō subekazu (Kanda myōjin: Dedicated to the godŌnamuchi no mikoto, founded in 730. It is the largest festival in Edo and includes a procession with chariots and traditional dancing. At this time the streets are indescribably crowded.)
No. of parts: 1
Current owner: Celje Regional Museum
Date of the last acquisition: 1957–1960
Previous owners and periods of ownership: Alma M. Karlin (from year 1950)| Thea Schreiber Gammelin (from year 1950 to year 1957)| Celje Regional Museum (from year 1957)
Object condition, handling and damage: well preserved
Press releases: Shigemori Bučar, Chikako. “Alma M. Karlin’s Visits to Temples and Shrines in Japan". Poligrafi 93/94, volume 24 (2019).

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