Postcard Hieizan

Postcard Hieizan


A postcard from Hieizan. In the centre is a coloured depiction of marching Hieizan priests. On the right is a classical Japanese text about the history of Hieizan.Top left is a black-and-white photograph of a later painting of the existing buildings of the Hieizan Temple.

Workshop / factory / publisher: 京都旭堂
Manufacturing technique: coloured print
Inscription: 比叡山 延暦寺 山法師 延暦四年僧最澄比叡山に登り根本中堂を建て比叡山寺と號す歴代尊崇厚く所領多く財政豊かなりしを以て僧兵を養ひ山法師と稱し少しく意に満たざるものあらば直ちに嗷訴を企て屡々日吉七社の神輿を人頭に飾り暴力を以て事を遂ぐ其横暴の状言語に絶し鳥羽法皇は朕の意に任せざるものは加茂川の水双六の采及び山法師の三つなりと宣へり元亀二年山僧浅井朝倉二氏と力を戮せ織田信長を討んとす信長兵を分ち山下より火を放て進軍満山数千の堂塔盡く灰燼に歸し三千の大衆殆ど殺戮せられ山門の勢い爰に於て全く地に委す。 Hieizan Enryakuji Yamabōshi: Enryaku yonen, sō Saichō Hieizan ni nobori Konpon chūdō wo tate Hieizanji to gōsu. Rekidai sonsū atsuku shoryō ōku zaisei yutaka narishi wo motte sōhei wo yashinai yamabōshi to shōshi sukoshiku i ni mitazaru mono araba tadachini gōso wo kuwadate shibashiba Hie shichisha no mikoshi wo jintō ni kazari bōryoku wo motte koto wo togu. Sono ōbō no sama gengo ni zesshi Toba hōō wa chin no i ni makasezaru mono wa Kamogawa no mizu sugoroku no sai oyobi yamabōshi no mittsu nari to notamaeri. Genki ninen sansō Asai Asakura nishi to chikara wo awase Oda Nobunaga wo utan to su. Nobunaga hei wo wakachi sange yori hi wo hanatte shingun. Manzan sūsen no dōtō kotogotoku kaijin ni kishi sanzen no taishū hotondo satsuriku serare sanmon no ikioi kokoni oite mattaku chi ni makasu. (Hieizan Enryakuji yamabōshi: In year four of Enryaku period or in 785, the priest Saichō went to Mount Hieizan, built Konpon chūdō, and called it Hieizanji. The sect was respected for several generations, owned a lot of land, and with their wealth raised many armed priests called yamabōshi. If something wasn't to their liking, they would immediately organise a march or a riot often led by mikoshi of the Hie shichisha shrine and accompanied by violence. Their behaviour was so indescribably autocratic that the emperor of the time, Toba, said that there were three things that even he could not control, namely the water in the Kamogawa River, the dice, and the yamabōshi. In 1571, the second year of the Genki period, the priests, in collaboration with the lords Asai and Asakura, planned an attack on Oda Nobunaga, who sent his soldiers to light a fire under the mountain. The entire Hieizan mountain with all its towers and buildings was turned into dust and ashes, three thousand people were killed, and thus the power of the defeated priests of Hieizan was ended.)
No. of parts: 1
Current owner: Celje Regional Museum
Date of the last acquisition: 1957–1960
Previous owners and periods of ownership: Alma M. Karlin (from year 1950)| Thea Schreiber Gammelin (from year 1950 to year 1957)| Celje Regional Museum (from year 1957)
Object condition, handling and damage: well preserved
Press releases: Shigemori Bučar, Chikako. “Alma M. Karlin’s Visits to Temples and Shrines in Japan". Poligrafi 93/94, volume 24 (2019).

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