Japanese woodblock print or Ukiyo-e Famous Views of the Sixty-odd Provinces – Tatsuta River and Mt. Tatsuta in Yamato

Japanese woodblock print or Ukiyo-e Famous Views of the Sixty-odd Provinces – Tatsuta River and Mt. Tatsuta in Yamato


Yamato Province: Tatsuta Mountain and Tatsuta River (Yamato, Tatsutayama, Tatsutagawa), the second print in the series Famous Views of the Sixty-odd Provinces (Rokujūyoshū meisho zue 六十余州名所図会). The series shows a famous place from several provinces through the eyes of the locals. Since Hiroshige did not see all of these places, he drew inspiration for his work from the travelogues of his time called Meisho zue (名所図会). These have a vertical format, which is why Hiroshige decided to use a vertical layout for his prints. This is the first example of vertical woodblock prints (or Ukiyo-e) of landscapes. The print shows the Tatsuta 立田山 龍田川 river in Yamato country. This was the area in present-day Nara Prefecture that became Yamato Province, and by extension it refers to all of Japan in the period 250–710. (KH, JR)

Author: 安藤広重 Andō Hiroshige
Material description: paper
Manufacturing technique: coloured woodblock print or Ukiyo-e
Dimensions: height: 30.3 cm, length: 19.5 cm
Signature: 広重筆 / Hiroshige hitsu
No. of parts: 1
Current owner: Celje Regional Museum
Date of the last acquisition: 1957–1960
Previous owners and periods of ownership: Alma M. Karlin, Thea Schreiber Gammelin, Celje Regional Museum
Object condition, handling and damage: This print from the collection of Alma Karlin is a forgery, as the author's signature and the stamps of the appraiser, the publisher and the engraver are missing.
History of exhibition: Celje Regional Museum, Celje, 16.10.2019–31.5.2020 (exhibition: Azija me je povsem uročila [Asia Utterly Bewitched Me])
Press releases: HRVATIN, Klara, ROBIN, Jernej, TRNOVEC, Barbara. 2019. Japonski lesorezi [Japanese woodblock prints]. V Azija me je povsem uročila: katalog občasne razstave ob 130. obletnici rojstva Alme M. Karlin in 100. obletnici njenega odhoda na pot okrog sveta (Asia Utterly Bewitched Me: catalogue of the special exhibition on the 130th anniversary of Alma M. Karlin and the 100th anniversary of her world tour). Celje: Pokrajinski muzej; Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete: 59–71.

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