Vol. 9 No. 3 (2021): Special Issue: East Asia in Slovenia: Collecting Practices, Categorization and Representation

Asian Studies | East Asia in Slovenia: Collecting Practices, Categorization and Representation

V posebni številki znanstvene revije Asian Studies (Azijske Študije) so v angleškem jeziku objavljeni članki na temo zbirateljstva, raziskovanja in reprezentacije vzhodnoazijskih predmetov v Sloveniji. Celotno izdajo oziroma posamezne prispevke si lahko pogledate pogledate na tej povezavi Znanstvene založbe Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani ali na tej spletni strani.


Guest Editor’s Foreword

Nataša Vampelj Suhadolnik. 2021. 

East Asia in Slovenia Collecting Practices, Categorization and Representation

Collectibles: Collecting Practices and Categorization

Chikako Shigemori Bučar. 2021.

Trivial Objects from Taishō Japan in the Collection of Alma M. Karlin

Mina Grčar. 2021.

Ivan Skušek Jr. and His Collection of Chinese Coins

Nataša Vampelj Suhadolnik. 2021.

Between Ethnology and Cultural History, Where to Place East Asian Objects in Slovenian Museums?


Lived Spaces: Private Display and Transfer to Public Institutions

Helena Motoh. 2021.

Lived-in Museum, The Early 20th Century Skušek Collection

Tina Berdajs. 2021.

Retracing the Footsteps, Analysis of the Skušek Collection

Marija Skušek and the Transmission of Japanese Culture to a Slovenian Audience

Klara Hrvatin. 2021.

The First “Mrs. Japanese” of Slovenia between the Two World Wars, Marija Skušek and Her Series of Lectures on Japanese Women

Nataša Visočnik Gerželj. 2021.

Dancing with the Fan, The Role and Value of a Japanese Fan and Kimonos in the Transmission of Japanese Culture by Marija Tsuneko Skušek


East Asian Traditions: Perception and Representation in Alma Karlin’s Writing

Klemen Senica. 2021.

Following in the Footsteps of Isabella Bird? Alma Karlin and Her Representations of Japan

Maja Veselič. 2021.

The Allure of the Mystical East Asian Religious Traditions in the Eyes of Alma M. Karlin

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