Postcard Shōsōin in Nara

Postcard Shōsōin in Nara


A black-and-white photograph showing the old warehouse building Shōsōin in Nara, the first capital of Japan.

Manufacturing technique: black-and-white print
Inscription: (奈良名勝)正倉院 大佛殿の西北にあり孝謙天皇光明光皇の寶器の大佛にに献供したまひしを蔵むる寶蔵にして古来勅封今尚帝室の有なり寶器無慮三千當代文化の燦然たりしを證すべし Nara meishō Shōsōin: Daibutsuden no seihoku ni ari. Kōken tennō Kōmei tennō no hōki no Daibutsu ni kenkyō shitamaishi wo osamuru hōzō ni shite korai chokufū imanao teishitsu no yūnari. Hōki muryo sanzen tōdai bunka no sanzen tari shi wo shōsu beshi. (Landmark in Nara: Shōsōin is located northeast of the building that houses the large Buddha statue. It houses treasures from the time of the Kōken and Kōmei emperors. The storehouse or treasury is still owned by the imperial family and is a testament to the high culture of the Nara period).
No. of parts: 1
Current owner: Celje Regional Museum
Date of the last acquisition: 1957–1960
Previous owners and periods of ownership: Alma M. Karlin (from year 1950)| Thea Schreiber Gammelin (from year 1950 to year 1957)| Celje Regional Museum (from year 1957)
Object condition, handling and damage: well preserved
Press releases: Shigemori Bučar, Chikako. “Alma M. Karlin’s Visits to Temples and Shrines in Japan". Poligrafi 93/94, volume 24 (2019).

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