Gautama Buddha figurine
A figurine of the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, made of cast bronze, which is gilded and lacquered. The Buddha is depicted seated in the lotus position and with characteristic attributes: a bulge on the crown, long earlobes, a third eye, monk’s robes, and hands in a characteristic positions (mudra). On its chest there is a partially recognisable swastika. The right hand is in the bhumisparsha mudra, a posture of touching the earth, which illustrates the moment in the life of the historical Buddha when he invokes the earth to testify to his steadfastness after a successful battle with the evil King Mara. The left hand is in the dhyana mudra, a posture that illustrates meditation and enlightenment. The statuette stands on a pedestal in the shape of a lotus flower. According to museum records, it is believed to date from the 16th century. (HM)
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